Sunday, June 22, 2008

Random Pics

Emma-Kate, fashion designer - Heather, Morgan and Em - Hannah, The toothless wonder - Heather and Okie - Brock antagonizing Oakland... or is it the other way around?

Not model material

Oakland yet again proved that he hates photo shoots!

Three little ladies and a pool

We got a new pool yesterday and the girls enjoyed it without interuption from their naughty brothers!

I'm too sexy... for my robe and doggy slippers!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Unco-operative children

Why is it when you want your children to perform, they never will?? But when you want them to stop, they never will?? Heather and I spent a good thirty minutes trying to make Oakland smile on video.... but we failed miserably!

Brockley Boo...

Well, its been two months and Brock Brock the Wonder Dog has somehow managed to survive 7 children!! And we love him more and more!
Brock loves the camera! After you take his picture and set the camera down, he will sit and watch the camera - just waiting for the flash to go off.

I'm a big boy now!

Oakland has learned how to smile!!! Now the little monsters personality is finally coming out! And take notice - his hair is no longer black! Reddy and I argue over what color its going to end up being... in the sun light, it turns this weird shade of orange!

Doing his best at a forced smile??? Nope, this was pre-scream.
Mommy and Oakland.. not sure what attracted his attention on the floor.
Oakland loves his daddy's whisker kisses!
Pretty hard to get those chubby cheeks in one camera shot!! But we managed!

Emma-Kate Graduates

Emma-Kate and Heather before her preschool graduation....

Emma-Kate had practiced singing her songs for weeks before her graduation. Yet, on graduation night, she suffered from extreme stage fright and failed to perform.

She was much more interested in playing with the masks (why would a teacher put masks under a 3 year olds chair and think they aren't going to play with them all the time???!!) and with her ear for some weird reason. But she looked cute so I guess that's what really mattered!