Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday and... Happy Birthday!

I have to beg the older two to pose but not Emma-Kate! She can strike a pose anytime, anywhere at a moments notice!
Dad taking the kids for a four wheeler ride. It is usually a fight to see who gets to go first.

Oakland on his first four wheeler ride!

Jack wondering why Oakland his setting in HIS seat!

I'm a big boy now!

Wow! I am sure the toddler girls are lining up to catch these two eligible bachelors!

Is Jack trying to gently and loving pat Oakland on his head OR is he getting ready to whap him a good one? Only Jack knows!

We had three of our kids have birthdays within two months of each other so, we held out and just had one birthday party! We had some friends and family over for a BBQ and the kids swam in the pool. Jack and Oakland were super models once again! Happy Birthday to:

Morgan Michelle - turned 7 on May 24

Gavin Ray - turned 11 on July 2

Hannah Grace - turned 7 on July 26

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