We have been looking for a dog for sometime and came upon an ad on KSL last night for the sweetest Boxer named Brock! We ran into West Jordan last night at 10:00 pm to see if he would be the dog we have been looking for... he is all that and more!
Brock is a year old and kisses on demand! He knows all his commands and best of all, he is a shadow boxer... no literally, he boxes his shadow! He chased his shadow on the fence for a good fifteen minutes last night and whenever he sees a shadow on the ground, he tries to step on it! It is the funniest thing you have ever seen!

The kids love him and he seems to really enjoy the kids. He and Emma-Kate ran through the house all day today and Brock seems to really have a fondness for Oakland. Besides sniffing Oaklands hair CONSTANTLY and trying to give him kisses, he stands on our bed and watches Oakland in the cradle. It seems he just periodically feels the need to make sure Oakland is doing ok and then he goes on about his business.

Yeah Brock! We are soooo excited you chose us for your family!
He's so cute. You can have Anna too.
I have this thing on my blog that tracks who looks at my blog and didn't know who you were so I clicked on your link. I still couldn't tell who you were until I scrolled down to the last picture of you and your husband. I can't believe I found you, or you found me. I hope you don't mind if I check in on your sweet family now and then, and add you to my list of links. How are you? You look so good and what a mom you are! You're awesome! Glad to catch up with you.
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