Sunday, September 28, 2008

Catching up...

We haven't blogged for about a month so I thought I would catch up on my blogging a little...
I used to be mean to Katie about letting Jack bounce himself to sleep in his Jungle Jumper... I think with her next baby, I will keep my mouth shut.

We put up some Halloween decorations and got in the spooky spirit and decided to decorate Halloween cookies. Here is Gavin, Hannah, Morgan and Emma-Kate posing. Heather and Hunter at the cookie decorating party

Heather, Hunter and Gavin

The girls concentrating on decorating the PERFECT cookies!

My little 'mini Me' mugging for the camera

Oakland loves his puppies

No blog is complete without a pose from Emma-Kate.

We also spent about a million hours at a bounce house yesterday but I entrusted the photo taking to Heather and it seems I got about 10 photos of her and her cousin and one of Reddy's niece's husband. Those are great memories!!!!

We also got a new dog about two months ago but I just haven't thought to post a pic of her. Her name is Roxy and we were told she was a Rat Terrier mix. I think it was a small lie... you decide..